We hope this message finds you and your communities safe during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. As you know, due to the pandemic, the 8th Annual Symposium on Global Cancer Research, originally scheduled for April 17th in Washington, DC had to be cancelled. We are pleased to inform you of the plans to share scientific content from the Symposium in partnership with the Consortium of Universities for Global Health as part of their global health webinar series. The upcoming webinars are:
In addition, 57 scientific abstracts accepted for presentation at the Symposium will be published in a special issue of JCO Global Oncology. The special issue, estimated to be published on or about 20th July 2020, will include a special article from the 8th Annual Symposium’s Scientific Committee and one from the NCI Center for Global Health.
Finally, you are invited to participate in the upcoming Academic Global Oncology Meeting, co-hosted by NCI/CGH and ASCO, on 25th June 2020, 10-11:30AM US ET. Download the agenda here for your reference. Meeting webcast link (no registration required): https://nci.rev.vbrick.com/#/webcasts/academicglobaloncology.
Contact mishka.cira@nih.gov with any questions.